Posted: November 6, 2019

Scottish Rowing Junior 16 Land Camp 2019
Friday 6th to Sunday 8th December 2019
sportscotland national sports training centre, Inverclyde, Largs

Claire Morrison external shot Inverclyde 27062017 1

The Scottish Rowing Junior 16 Land Camp is a residential camp delivered by the Scottish Rowing performance team with support from the GB Rowing Team, the sportscotland institute of sport and the GB Rowing Team.

The camp is targeted at the leading Scottish J15 and J16 rowers (those born between 1st September 2003 and 31st August 2005) who are looking to take their rowing to the next level and have longer term performance aspirations which include rowing for Scotland and / or Great Britain.

Scottish Rowing is keen to ensure a quality experience for all participants and therefore there will be a maximum of 30 athlete spaces available. In the event of over-subscription (which was the case in both 2017 and 2018), Scottish Rowing will consider any relevant performance data and will consult with coaches to allocate spaces.

A minimum of two spaces will also be reserved for coxes and they will receive coaching to play a key role in supporting the delivery of the practical training sessions during the camp.

Athletes and coaches wishing to register for the Scottish Rowing Junior 16 Land Camp should complete the online registration by no later than 5pm on Monday 18 November.

Athlete Registration (click link)

Coach Registration (click link)

Parents wishing to register for the free High Performance Parenting Workshop on Sunday 8th December (1330 – 1530) should sign up on the Scottish Rowing Membership System for the session.

For further information please contact Lee Boucher, Scottish Rowing’s Head of Performance Pathway –